Advanced Performance MatriX (APM).

A better choice.

Your body is already intelligent by design. It goes through thousands of processes a day — from regulating body temperature & oxygen levels to controlling electrolyte balance in your cells.

Ensuring maximum performance by providing for faster absorption of often deficient electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals is what prompted the development of iXL and its zero sodium Advanced Performance Matrix.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

We spent years studying the evolution of traditional sports drinks before coming to a stark realization…not much has changed.

 Traditional sport drinks are essentially the same composition as they were 50 years ago, primarily made up of a little bit of potassium and close to 4 times as much sodium.

The more you know

But a lot has changed since the 60’s.

Americans today are getting nearly double the amount of sodium they should while only about 1/2 the potassium.

Understanding how critical the balance of potassium and sodium is to performance, we set out to provide a delivery system that not only addresses that imbalance, but delivers those essential minerals rapidly.

Sodium Free APM

Vitamins, minerals + amino acids

Our sodium-free APM is comprised of 8 different vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that all work together while delivering a whopping 400mg of potassium.

These amino-acid-bound minerals help restore balance and deliver nutrients faster than any drink on the planet—and our customers agree.








vitamin c

IXL helps me feel better fast!

From muscle cramps to fatigue it’s the same message…

Success Stories

Did you know?

Scientific studies on even the most extreme athletes such as ironman participants, marathoners, and other ultra-endurance athletes have been the driver for the shift AWAY from sodium supplementation for today’s athlete.

These studies have helped educate and initiate changes to the young athletes participating in an average 1-2 hour practice with a move away from the “salt tablet mentality”—as they have plenty of sodium readily available for competition.

When IXL stands up against the competition, the choice is clear.

Try it once and it’ll be hard to go back.

IXL hydrates FAST using amino acids combined with a complex matrix of electrolytes, vitamins and minerals.


See why IXL is different

Blue Quench



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